To go to network properties: click Start, go to Control Panel, open Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections. You will see the local area connection. Right click it, go to its properties, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties. You will see that there is a DNS server given over here,

So whenever you try ping, say “”, this DNS server in here will try to resolve this name to the IP address and then forward all the data packets to that IP address. I suspect that this DNS server is not reachable from this machine. Let try pinging this DNS server. I’ll say “ping”, I’ll hit enter. See, I am correct probably.

Easyping 2 4 – Ping Client To Determine Host Accessibility System

If it says, “Request timed out” which means I am not able to reach this DNS server. So what do I do now? I need to give an alternate DNS server which is probably up and running on my network. I know there is another one and I’ll ping in which is another DNS server on my network. I’ll say “okay” and say “close.” I can also go and see the settings from ipconfig/all and it will tell me that “okay my IP address is this…” and in DNS servers, I now have now two DNS servers in here and successfully able to ping

So now let us try to ping Google back again and see what happens. See, the alternate DNS address is able to translate this name into the IP address of Google. So this is the IP address of Google, and my data packet from this machine is able to go and ping Google. So it is very important, even if your machine is on network and you’re trying to reach some websites and not able to reach. The reason could be that the DNS server in between might not be accessible. You should be having the right configuration of DNS server. To test that, go ping the DNS servers which are listed in your ipconfig/all and see if your machine is able to reach then.

That’s pretty much it in this segment session. You are now successfully able to know how to ping a machine and how to check if correct, maybe a resolution is happening. If not, you can go and specify the DNS servers which are up and running and reachable from your machine. Thanks for watching.
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